Strain Stars Scholarship

In a groundbreaking move that underscores their commitment to community welfare, Strain Stars, Long Island’s pioneering cannabis dispensary, has announced the establishment of a $100,000 scholarship fund. This initiative is aimed at supporting students whose families have been impacted by incarceration, providing them with a pathway to higher education and a brighter future.

The cannabis industry has long been associated with breaking barriers and challenging norms, and Strain Stars is leading the charge once again by recognizing the importance of education in empowering individuals and communities. By creating this scholarship fund, we are not only investing in the academic success of deserving students but also addressing a critical need within society.

For many young people, having a family member who has been incarcerated can present significant challenges, both emotionally and financially. The Strain Stars scholarship fund seeks to alleviate some of these burdens by offering financial assistance to those who might otherwise struggle to pursue their educational goals.

What sets this initiative apart is not just its generosity, but its pioneering nature. Strain Stars is the first cannabis dispensary on Long Island—and one of the first in the nation—to establish such a scholarship fund. By doing so, we are setting a precedent for others in the industry to follow, demonstrating that businesses can and should play a meaningful role in supporting their communities.

Education has the power to transform lives, and we recognize that by investing in the academic success of students, we are investing in the future of Long Island. Through this scholarship fund, we are providing young people with the opportunity to grow, succeed, and ultimately make a positive impact on our communities.

Application portal coming soon!!

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